
I grew up in Germany and moved to the US in 2009 to be with my now husband. Eight years later I live a happy life with my hubby, our two little boys and two dogs close to the ocean in Rhode Island.

A couple of years ago, I started sewing clothes first only for my kids, then also for family friends’ children und slowly the sewing turned into a passion and into a small business…

My whole life I have beenĀ a creative soul. I studied art and math to be a teacher in Germany. I worked as a tennis coach to finance my studies and in vacation times I sold ice-cream in a small village at the Baltic Sea.

Since I am a full time mommy I have been growing a lot and learned a lot about myself through my children. Many of these realizationsĀ I would like to share with my readers and customers. Things from natural birth or home birth over breastfeeding …, letting children express themselves through clothing,…, to essential oils and finding yourself as a mom, a wife and a woman…just to mention a few things…

I am very excited to start this webpage/blog and am looking forward to hearing from you and building a community around the topics of clothing, children und self development.

Since July 2018 I am not only a full time mommy anymore. I started my own caching business. I support, mostly women, to take the steps into a more fulfilled life. If you are interested, you can read more under the tab coaching above.

Have fun discovering my website!

Love, aNNika